We have passed a vote of no confidence in London managing director Roger Mills and advertising director for south London Dene Stuart on Wednesday, May 4.
Here are the letters sent to them on behalf of union members:
Dear Mr Mills
This is to notify you members of Newsquest South West London's branch of the NUJ unanimously passed a vote of no confidence in you yesterday afternoon.
The vote followed the announcement that a further wave of redundancies will come into force across the group's south west London titles in the next three months, despite these titles continuing to make substantial profits.
Members believe there is no basis for making these redundancies given the group's profitability, and feel you have made the decision after becoming out of touch with day-to-day managing in South West London after taking on your roles in East London and London-wide.
We feel your continued reliance on cost-cutting to increase profits shows little of the vision which would be expected of a senior manager in other private companies.
While editorial staff have consistently worked above and beyond their contracts to create decent, sellable products which are respected in the community, they have seen scant leadership qualities from you in return.
This lack of respect for the quality of our products runs in direct contrast to the policy of your predecessor Howard Scott - a valued managing director who was never properly replaced when he left last year.
Dear Mr Stuart
This is to notify you members of Newsquest South West London's branch of the NUJ unanimously passed a vote of no confidence in you yesterday afternoon.
The vote followed the announcement that a further wave of redundancies will come into force across the group's south west London titles in the next three months, despite these titles continuing to make substantial profits.
Members believe there is no basis for making these redundancies given the group's profitability, and have lost confidence in your ability to implement new revenue-making ideas at the group to lead us out of the recession.
These financially straightened times were not unexpected, and there has evidently been no substantial planning to combat any loss of revenues.
We are hugely concerned that a number of very good ideas were thought up by senior management at a 'brainstorming' session three months ago, but as far as we are aware have not been implemented.
While editorial staff have consistently worked above and beyond their contracts to create decent, sellable products which are respected in the community, they have seen scant leadership qualities or vision from you in return.
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